The Problem
When you have a meeting with a hospital administrator or investor and you’re only allotted a short amount of time, it can be difficult to capture your audience’s attention. With our client Senscio, we needed to create materials to help them capture the attention and impress administrators in positions to implement their system for chronic care monitoring.
The Process
We often work on polishing PowerPoint presentations in order for clients to look more impressive in a pitch, but Senscio needed something more. As a company that works with developing solutions from data-driven insights, we recognized an opportunity to work with video to streamline messaging and provide a thorough snapshot of the company in a short amount of time.
The Solution
We transformed imagery we’d already created for Senscio into a moving animation video. The information is repeated several times throughout, because when you only have a short amount of time to make a statement, you want all of your key points to stick.